MEMO 2018

「俺のボタンの方が核の威力がある」の話、学生服のはずされた金ボタンを思い出した(「不良」の徴とされた。) 喧嘩する核のボタンも街の不良ボタンも、「介入してくる外部」。外部から、「守らなければならない内部」があるかの如く反応するのか?日本ナショナリズム




‪The Good and great maker of this Universe, created the world after so glorious and beautiful a manner, that the Greeks together with the Romanes, a consent also of the Nation s perswading them thereunto, have called it by the name of Ornament. Moreover, Man, whom many ancient Authors call the little world, is not made after the image of God to resemble the wild beasts in following of their lusts, but that the memory of his originall should lift his noble soul to the love of a vertuous desire of glory. ‬

‪Franciscus Junius 1637 - from The Painting of the Ancients‬

"音"というものは、例えば、ドレミのドの音とはいえ、オーボエが吹くのと、フルートが吹くのとではまるで違うものです。"音"自身を生きたものとしてとらえるといういい回しは、必ずしも適当ではないけれど、ひとつひとつの"音"には全く違った運動があります。ー 武満徹




You are in no man's land. Which never moves, which never changes, which never grows older, but remains forever, icy and silent. ー Harold Pinter

To resort to dreaming is not to leave the house; it is to explore the attic, where our childhood made contact with poetry. Cocteau


Oui, je sais qu’au lointain de cette nuit, la Terre

Jette d’un grand éclat l’insolite mystère,

Sous les siècles hideux qui l’obscurcissent moins.

ー Stéphane Mallarmé


大いなる耀きの 異常な神秘を投じているのだ、

これを被う醜悪な諸世紀も それをほとんど暗くはしない。

The universal must remain open, its differences and potentiallies must remain so; other wise we are forever trapped in the present in the future...

ー Badiou


‪Let us do everything calmly, let us react emotionally only to fine works of art or noble messes. Let us work tranquily and without haste. As soon as I begin to sweat and my blood to boil, beware. Cowardly painting is the painting of a coward...‬

‪ー Eugène Drelacroix on Romanticism‬

‪David, clearly the most important artist  working in France today, and the rejuvenator of the French School, owes the success which has brought him to the attention of the whole world to nothing but his own genius.‬

‪ー Théodore Géricault

‪Thus music is as immediate objectification and copy of the whole will as the world itself is, indeed as the Ideas are, the multiplied phenomenon of which constitute s the world of individuals things. ‬

‪ー Schopenhauer 1818 , Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung‬


pressent l'emergence d'une étrange at dernière figure; si le DEHORS , plus lointain que tout monde extérieur (Godard et Nouvell Vague, la successur du DADA) , est aussi plus proche que tout monde intérieur (Oshima ,la successur du SURREALISM), n'est pas le CINEMA que la pensée s'affecte elle-même, en découvrant le dehors comme son propre impensé ?  - takashihonda


after Godard's History of Cinema

‪das Kino projizierte ‬

‪und die Menschen haben gesegen ‬

‪daß die Welt da war‬

‪eine Welt noch fast phone Geschichte‬

‪aber eine Welt, die erzählt‬

‪(Histoire(s) du cinéma)‬


(ICAN フィン事務局長)

朝日新聞のインタビュー、伊藤亜人氏 「文化人類学の視点からすれば、北朝鮮社会主義独裁のもとでの特殊な社会であるとはいえ、どの人間社会にも共通する生活の現実も見えてきます」「異常性の強調で等身大の庶民見えにくくなる」