D&G, A thousand Plateaus

  • Forms relate to codes and processes of coding and decoding in the parastrata; substances, being formed matters, relate to territorialities and movements of deterritorialization and reterritorialization on the epis-trata. In truth, the epistrata are just as inseparable from the movements that constitute them as the parastrata are from their process. Nomadic waves or flows of deterritorialization go from the central layer to the periphery, then from the new center to the new p...eriphery, falling back to the old center and lauching forth to the new, The organization of the epistrata moves in the direction of increasing deterritorialization. Physical particles and chemical substances cross thresholds of deterritorialization on their own stratum and between strata; these thresholds correspond to more or less stable intermediate states, to more or less transitory valences and existences, to engagements with this or that other body, to densities of proximity, to more or less localizable connections. Not only are physical particles characterized by speeds of deterritorialization -Joycean tachyons, particles-holes, and quarks recallin the fundamental idea of the 'soup' - but a single chemical substance (sulfur or carbon, for example) has a number of more and less deterritorialized states. The more interior milieus an organism has on its own statum, assuring its autonomy and bringing it into a set of aleatory relations with the exterior, the more deterritorialized it is. That is why degrees of development must be understood relatively, and as a function of differential speeds , relations, and rates. Deterritorialization must be thought of as a perfectly positive power that has degrees and thresholds (epistrata), is always relative, and has reterritorialization as its flipside or complement. An organism that is deterritorialized in relation to the exterior necessarily reterritorializes on its interior milieus. A given presumed fragment of embro is deterritorialized when it changes thresholds or gradiens, but is assigned a new role by the new surroundings. Local movements are examples of this. Cellular migration, streching, invagination, folding are examples of this. Every voyages is intensive, and occurs in relation to thresholds of intensity between which it envolves or it crosses. One travels by intensity; displacements and spatial figures depend on intensive thresholds of nomadic deterritorialization(and thus on differential relations) that simultaneously define completementary, sedentary reterritorializations. Every stratum operates this way; by grasping in its pincers a maximum number of intensities or intensive particles over which it spreads its forms and substances, constituting determinate gradients and thresholds of resonance (deterritorialization on a stratum always occurs in reltion to a complementary reterritorialization)

  • - D&G, A thousand Plateaus

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本多 敬さんの写真