Sin...ce the OPEC oil crisis of early 1970s. Islam has become an all-encompassing scapegoat. Furthermore, the distaste for Islam spans the entire political spectrum where ' for the right, Isalm represents barbarism; for the left, medieval theocracy; for the center, a kind of distasteful exoticism, Said is not setting out to defend the of so-called 'Islamic states' since he is all too aware that in these states there is a great deal of repression, abuse of personal freedoms and a denial of genuine democracy, all of which are legitimated by reference to Islam. Rather, he is at pains to point out that Islam as a religious doctrine needs to be separated from the discourse on Islam, which in both the East and the West is tied up inextricably with the question of power. (' Edward Said' by Bill Ashcroft and Pal Ahluwalia, 1999)