La place du roi (1)

La place du roi (1)

 Sur tant d'ignorances, sur tant d'interrogations demeurées en suspens, il faudrait s'arrêter sans doute, là est fixée la fin du discours , et le recommencement peut-être du travail. Il y a encore cependant quelques mots à dire. Des mots don't le statut sans doute est difficile à justifier, car il s'agit d'introduire au dernier instant et comme par un coup de theatre artificial, un personage qui n'avait point encore figure dans le grand jeu classique des representation...


The place of the king ( La place du roi )
 Faced with so many instances of ignorance, so many questions remaining in suspense, no doubt some decision must be made. One must say; there is where discourse ends, and perhaps labour begins again. Yet there are still a few more words to be said - words whose status it is probably difficult to justify, since it is a matter of introducing at the last moment, rather like some deus ex machinta,, a character who has not yet appeared in the great Classical interplay of representations. (p.307)