

さらば、人間の愛の言葉よ。こんにちは、万物の愛の言葉よ。‪<ノマド>犬はVaudーレマン湖沿いにあるゴダールの故郷ーの森を彷徨う。人間の有限性という本来性の構成的言説に絡みとらわれないで、寧ろ万物の生成の道のラディカリズムに、ギリギリ理念的な内在性が思考されている。そして部屋の森にこそ、徴は至るところに。凡庸に新しい時代のオリジナルを鋳造する孤立から離れて、孤独の力に留まるー 目に見えないもの(夜の本)と目に見えるもの(昼の本)との間にあって‬

‪ Goodbye to Language (Adieu au Langage) The idea is simple / A married woman and a single man meet / They love, they argue, fists fly / A dog strays between town and country / The seasons pass / The man and woman meet again / The dog finds itself between them / The other is in one, / the one is in the other / and they are three / The former husband shatters everything / A second film begins: / the same as the first, / and yet not / From the human race we pass to metaphor / This ends in barking / and a baby's cries / In the meantime, we will have seen people talking of the demise of the dollar, of truth in mathematics and of the death of a robin."‬ ‪—Godard in a handwritten synopsis written in verse and first posted on Twitter

Goodbye to Language (Adieu au Langage) When - the sun already piercing - the river still sleeping in the dreams of fog, we do not see it anymore than it sees itself. Here it is already the river, and the eye is arrested, one no longer sees anything but a void, a fog which prevents one from seeing farther. In that part of the canvas, one must paint neither what one sees, since one sees nothing, nor what one doesn't see, since one must paint only what one sees; but to paint what one doesn't see." —Quote used in the film's narration, attributed to Claude Monet, but actually paraphrased from Marcel Proust's Jean Santeuil